Microseal takes a conscientious approach to environmentally friendly processing.
Using our state of the art RTO (Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer) we have the ability to treat our process exhaust, removing pollutants before it reaches the atmosphere. Our RTO contains ceramic media to capture the heat generated from the incineration of process vapors. The system is so efficient that it can self-sustain without additional fuel contribution to oxidize process fumes.
We remain in compliance with all state and federal environmental laws and handle all aspects of emissions and waste in accordance with those regulations. Being environmentally conscious is a top priority at Microseal and we are dedicated to maintaining our ability to run heavy processes with ecologically friendly persistence.
It is our belief that when there is a will, there is a way. With the endless need that our industry has the potential to fill, we are always both willing and able to not only produce excellent quality, but to create an entirely new production process to meet even the most unconventional requirements. We are here to develop your process from lab samples to full scale production.